Italian attorney, English Solicitor, law office:
We are not any able to offer any service of certification of documents or copies requiring an Apostille, without involving a colleague in the UK. In most cases it will more efficient for you simply to contact a Notary or Solicitor in England and Wales and deal directly by post. A list of providers of this kind of service can be found here.
We offer
- Certification Services
- statutory declarations
- change of name (deed polls)
- certified copies (of anything you like)
- advice on how to get a Hague Convention apostille attached if required (and advising on whether it is required or not)
- certification of identity as required for foreign anti-money laundering purposes/know your client procedures
- Translations – especially of tax, finance, accounting and legal documents – plain, certified, court sworn in (pretty well) all languages
- Wills and cross border succession and tax planning
- Planning for death old-age and incapacity (cheer up it might never happen)
- Enduring powers of attorney
- Advance Requests to the Court for appoint of a judicial guardian to handle your affairs if you are no longer of sound mind
- Living Wills
- Appointment of guardians and instructions regarding your children
- Instructions after death – eg. regarding your body parts, funeral arrangements, your wake, music to be played and arrangements for celebrating your life
- Trusts – all aspects
- Pension optimisation and planning
- Realistic and practical tax advice and compliance via our sister web site enabling you to
optimise your tax and social security affairs in a manner that is legal and compliant with the relevant regulations.
All with a no- nonsense, reduce the red tape, practical approach, using technology to the maximum extent possible to reduce costs.
We will only bill fees once you have completed out client onboarding procedures and signed a written fee estimate accepting our terms and conditions of service, data protection and other policies.
Fill out this form for more info or a fee estimate.